What is the church really supposed to be doing? If we asked that question to a thousand people, it is likely that we might get a thousand answers. There are so many things in which a church can be involved. In fact, most churches are burdened down, busy, and burned out by doing so many “good” things. Our bulletin is full of ways to get involved. There are literally dozens of ministries, events, and programs from which to choose where we can be involved in “good” things. Perhaps you have experienced the overwhelming thought of, “How can I be involved in all of this?” How can we be sure that we are doing the most important things? How do we really know how to invest our time and resources and energy in the very “best” things.

Jesus had an incredible way of summing everything up in just a few words.

After the resurrection, He gathered His followers together to say one last thing to all of them. It was the most important thing. It was the thing they were supposed to do with their lives. . . for the rest of their lives. He simply said, “Go. . . and make disciples of all the nations.” Everything they did was to contribute to this one task of making followers of Jesus. What does this mean to us? What does this mean to our church?

Plumb Line #4: The point of everything is to make disciples.

It is easy to get busy and wrapped in good things and miss the big thing! It is possible to be a church that does a lot of good stuff, but misses the one thing that Jesus said we must do, the one thing that advances the Great Commission: making disciples.

What’s your next step in the making disciples?

This weeks message from Steve Carpenter is from our Atoka Campus.  If you missed the message or want to hear it again, listen on-line or tune in to our podcast.

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