What’s the best financial advice you’ve ever received?

Maybe it was to save your money? Perhaps some told you to spend less than you make? Maybe it was to marry someone with lots of money!

In reality, the best financial advice transcends culture, economic ups and downs, and socio-economic level. The best advice on any subject always comes from God in His Word. In this week’s message, we will continue to look at financial advice from one of the wisest meant to ever live. Solomon spoke often of mane, and was clear when it came to his best financial advice. It may seem a little strange, but Solomon’s best financial advice is to be sure to give some money away! Generosity is at the heart of good financial choices when it comes to God’s plan for us. We’ll look at God’s plan for giving and generosity and how it truly effects the heart of everyone that will heed His commands.

This weeks message from Steve Carpenter is from our Atoka Campus.  If you missed the message or want to hear it again, listen on-line or tune in to our podcast.

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