Gateway loves families. We know that families take many forms in Tipton County. Not all children live with their birth parents, many live with foster or adoptive families.

Join the Community

Foster and Adoptive Parents, if you’re looking for others who are on this journey, we have a group for you. We’re foster parents, too! The easiest way to connect is to join the FaceBook group, Fostering Love for Tipton.

“Pure and faultless religion is to care for the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

James 1:27

Helpful Links

For information about the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes, click here. For information on becoming a Tennessee Foster Parent, click here.

Not everyone is called to be a foster parent.

As a matter of fact, most people in the Church won’t ever bring a child into their homes, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have an essential and necessary role to play in the lives of foster families. While we aren’t all called to do the same thing, we are all certainly created to do something.  That’s how the Body of Christ works.  For individuals who would like to help with this ministry, here are a few things that are needed:

1. Pray

Pray for families in our church who are currently fostering.  Pray for families to answer the call to foster.

2. Donate Clothes

Many times children enter foster care with no extra clothes. Consider donating gently used children clothing in sizes newborn through teens.  Collection boxes are located near kids check-in at all Gateway campuses.

3. Get Involved

Fill out the contact form by clicking the button below to reach someone if you are interested in getting more involved in this ministry.