Whether you are constructing a house, getting a degree, raising a family, or growing a church, your foundation has to be sure and secure. If you cut corners or fail to plan properly, your foundation could crumble, and all of your efforts might be in vain. Builders use a “plumb line” to be sure everything is straight so that what they are building will stand the test of time.At Gateway, we have a set of Plumb Lines taken from God’s Word that are designed to keep us on track and keep everything straight. They help us make sure that we are building something that will last. Our plumb lines are short statements of the things we value most as a church. They capture who we are and where we are headed.

They are the threads that weave the fabric of Gateway’s identity as a church and our mission as a congregation. 

Love is our most convincing witness.

Jesus isn’t visible. Our community can’t watch Him love, heal, and teach. But they can see us. We paint a picture of Jesus with our lives.

When we love, we show Jesus.

This message is from Steve Carpenter is from our Atoka Campus.  If you missed the message or want to hear it again, listen on-line or tune in to our podcast. 


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