The events of Jesus’ life all had a purpose.

Nothing that Jesus did was by evident. He was always doing things that impacted people and taught those around Him. Every encounter…every event…every conversation that Scripture records is there for a purpose. Most often, we are learning about His character and His purposes when we read about His life. We come to understand something about Jesus every time we see Him interact with people, because He always had a purpose.

One such example is found in Mark 5:1-20. It seems like a random event but it is anything but random. Jesus makes a special trip to a place that most people would never go, to set a man free from sin and Satan. It’s not just an exciting story about a desperate man. It reveals the very reason Jesus came to this earth, and the lengths that He will go to in order to set us free.

We might not think that we relate to the man in the story, but the truth is that we are just as needy.

Jesus told the people of His day that He had come to “seek and save that which was lost.” Then He went out and proved it in every relationship and every encounter of His life. None of it was random. All of it reveals his character and love for us.


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